
I Welcome All Freshers who are going to face their first INTERVIEW

How To Prepare For Placement Test

Placement Test .. Tension ..Tension .. Always ... Because It is the initial step for getting the Interview call for a Fresher ... So always , this should be handled properly..... many candidates used to prepare for the placement test , but fails too. What might be the reasons ..there might be many , but few are very important and should be handled to get good score.

1) Know what are the subjects that Placement test contains.Eg.Verbal reasoning , Current affairs , etc...
2) Try to get the sample paper from the company , if any offered by them . If not try to search and collect. This is done by many , but if you stop collecting step , it won't fetches any . You have to collect from various people / web sites , as its not from the company directly. That collected papers has to be compared and prepare your guess , how the pattern will be.
3) Start Collecting the material , up to your best. Good books , tutorials , ebooks , etc.
4) Schedule with respect to the exam date.
5) Do Individual work / Group Work. Both are important . So that New information can be obtained through friends.
6) Lats 30% of the preparation time , spend for practice tests. Write seriously , and ask some body to correct it and analyse , where you did mistake , and prepare the weak areas. Improve the speed.
7) Don't spend up to late night , before the exam day.
8) Reach the exam hall before 30 minutes , prior to exam.
9) Don't make fun with the friends there. be casual , and be relaxed.
10) Read the exam rules first. Answer it in a strategic manner. Time sense is very important. handle the Negative marking carefully.
11) After coming to Home , revise what the exam consists and how you handled. Write your feed back for your further review.
12) Don't wait for the results . Start prepare for the next exam , till you get news that you got selected in the job ( because after the Test you should attend Other interview rounds , mean while many exams might be available to attend) .

All the Best!


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